
Talas Talas Bishkek Bishkek Tian-shan' Tian-shan' Naryn Naryn Kara-Suu Kara-Suu Jirgatol Jirgatol Khujand Khujand Tashkent Tashkent Turkestan Turkestan Samarkand Samarkand Dushanbe Dushanbe Termez Termez Khorugh Khorugh Murghab Murghab Kashgar Kashgar Bachu Bachu Almaty Almaty índice uv Kirguistán Asia Mapas de pronósticos
recientemente actualizado: vie, 20/09, 02:41 h MGZ

The strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is expressed as a Solar UV Index or Sun Index. Indices of 9 and 10 are common in the Mediterranean area. The Sun Index forecast refers to the daily maximum.



Estado actual