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Aleppo Aleppo Latakia Latakia Palmyra Palmyra Damascus Damascus Deir ez-Zor Deir ez-Zor Abukmal Abukmal Qamishli Qamishli Ar-Raqqah Ar-Raqqah Hama Hama Beirut Beirut Haifa Haifa Irwaished Irwaished Ar Rutba Ar Rutba Şanlıurfa Şanlıurfa Adana Adana Daraa Daraa índice uv Siria Asia Mapas de pronósticos
recientemente actualizado: jue, 19/09, 18:15 h MGZ

The strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is expressed as a Solar UV Index or Sun Index. Indices of 9 and 10 are common in the Mediterranean area. The Sun Index forecast refers to the daily maximum.



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