


Alexander Bay Alexander Bay East London East London Mossel Bay Mossel Bay De Aar De Aar Durban Durban Polokwane Polokwane Pretoria Pretoria Upington Upington Bloemfontein Bloemfontein Bloemfontein Bloemfontein Cape Town Cape Town Port Elizabeth Port Elizabeth Manzini Manzini Queenstown Queenstown Calvinia Calvinia Tshane Tshane Pomfret Pomfret Rietfontein Rietfontein Keetmanshoop Keetmanshoop Gaborone Gaborone Shingwidzi Shingwidzi Maputo Maputo estado de la vía Sudáfrica África Mapas de pronósticos
recientemente actualizado: vie, 20/09, 12:06 h MGZ
Note: Temperature forecast is minimum temperature at ground/road surface - NOT air temperature. See also Driving in winter.

Key to WeatherOnline's road forecast symbols showing the effects of the weather forecast on road conditions.
symbol: carreteras secas carreteras secas symbol: carreteras húmedas carreteras húmedas
symbol: carreteras mojadas carreteras mojadas symbol: aquaplaning aquaplaning
symbol: nieve resbaladiza nieve resbaladiza symbol: lluvia helada/humedad lluvia helada/humedad
symbol: escarcha escarcha symbol: hielo resbaladizo hielo resbaladizo
symbol: niebla niebla