

Itbayat Aeropuerto (124m)

día de llegada: Duración:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

Condiciones estadisticas del clima

The average weather conditions for Itbayat Aeropuerto:
The average daily maximum temperature was between 24°C and 26°C. At night it cooled down to temperatures between 17°C and 21°C.
On average there were 3 days with precipitation. On average there was a gentle breeze of 3 Bft (Beaufort Force). This analysis is based on data from the past 14 years.

WeatherOnline's Travel Planner helps you calculating the average weather at a location of your choice, based on recent years data. However, please keep in mind that weather statistics can only provide you with some useful clues for your travel plans. They do not represent the actual weather or forecast.
Estaciones meteorológicas cercanas - Itbayat Distancia
Itbayat Aeropuerto 0.2 km
Basco Radar 24.3 km
Isla Orquídea 79.5 km
Calayán 99.2 km
Taitung 137.6 km
Hengchun 140.7 km
Aparrí 144.5 km
Tuguegarao 187.1 km
Kaohsiung aeropuerto 204.8 km
Laoag 210.3 km
Tainan 221.3 km
Sinait 229.1 km
Taichung 233.0 km
Yonaguni 254.5 km
Taiwán Taoyuan aeropuerto 258.4 km
Casiguran 267.9 km
Baguió 288.6 km
Isla Iriomote 305.4 km
Dagupan 320.9 km
Isla Ishigaki 335.2 km
Shimojishima aeropuerto 442.2 km
Isla Miyako 453.9 km
Xiamen Aeropuerto 464.4 km
Xiamen 466.5 km