

Dusambé aeropuerto (800m)

Number of days available for climatic review

Duración del tiempo soleado000000

Duración del tiempo soleado000000

Climate data is usually derived from meteorological data of a certain number of years. The actual number of recorded years may vary from only a couple to 50 years or more. The quality of climate data depends on the number of available recorded years. Fewer years means less reliable data. The standart-period for reliable climate data is 30 years. For example, the mean monthly temperature for, let's say January, would ideally calculated from a total number of 930 recorded January-days. However, the usual number of recorded days is much smaller. The table above shows the actual number of recorded days for every parameter measured.
Estaciones meteorológicas cercanas - Dusambé Distancia
Anzobskij Pereval 23.4 km
Bojtar 29.5 km
Gandzhina 34.2 km
Shahristanskij Pereval 46.8 km
Sanglok 51.5 km
Iskanderkul 52.3 km
Isambaj 52.4 km
Ura-Tjube 58.5 km
Ura-Tjube 58.5 km
Dangara 58.9 km
Panj 62.4 km
Qundūz 77.0 km
Farkhor 79.1 km
Sirdaryo 92.2 km
Madrushkat 104.3 km
Khujand aeropuerto 120.9 km
Taskent Aeropuerto 120.9 km
Yizaj 123.8 km
Juyand 124.5 km
North-Salang Tunnel 132.1 km
Guliston 133.4 km
Khovaling 133.8 km
Panjakent 137.5 km
Cardara 144.7 km
Dehavz 161.6 km
Kabul aeropuerto 166.7 km
Jarm 169.7 km
Termez 177.5 km
Shymkent 180.2 km
Bamiyán 186.8 km
Mazar-e Sarif 191.3 km
Samarcanda 208.5 km
Pskem 219.0 km
Aul Turara Ryskulova 227.8 km
Kalaj Humo Valley 228.5 km
Jorog 305.0 km
Rushon 308.8 km
Carsanga 311.1 km
Eškašem 321.0 km
Taraz Aeropuerto 324.6 km
Namangán 324.9 km
Taraz 332.0 km
Qarshi 332.4 km
Ferganá 337.2 km
Lahsh 344.3 km
Drosh 352.1 km
Chitral 354.2 km
Peshawar Aeropuerto 355.3 km
Nurota 355.6 km
Dir 363.6 km
Peshawar 389.0 km
Kerki 400.1 km
Talas 409.4 km
Saidu Sharif 421.3 km
Irht 426.8 km
Kara-Suu 464.9 km
Bujará 466.6 km
Lugovoj 469.8 km
Jalal-Abad 471.7 km
Tamdy 484.4 km
Byrdalyk 491.7 km