

Ouahigouya (336m)

Unfortunately, some data is suffering from missing values.Data availability is a measure for the frequency of missing values.High data availability refers to a small number of missing values and vice versa. If the data availability is low the corresponding value will be somewhat inaccurate.

Aside to missing values there are sometimes false values which may hamper the statistics. If you should come across such a false value, please give us a note by sending an E-Mail.

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Estaciones meteorológicas cercanas - Ouahigouya Distancia
Ouahigouya 0.0 km
Uagadugú aeropuerto 168.4 km
Dédougou 170.5 km
Boromo 210.0 km
Dori 270.3 km
303.6 km
Navrongo 330.9 km
Bobo-Dioulasso 340.4 km
Fada N'Gourma 353.7 km
Gaoua 369.5 km
Wa 391.2 km
Dapaong 422.4 km
Tillabéri 436.2 km
Mango 479.4 km
Tamale 484.9 km
Bole 504.2 km
Yendi 530.3 km
Yendi 530.3 km
Natitingou 556.6 km
Niamtougou 576.3 km
Kara 599.1 km