

Yibin (342m)

día de llegada: Duración:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

Condiciones estadisticas del clima

The average weather conditions for Yibin:
The average daily maximum temperature was between 8°C and 13°C. At night it cooled down to temperatures between 5°C and 8°C.
On average there were 3 days with precipitation. On average the wind was calm of < 1 Bft (Beaufort Force). This analysis is based on data from the past 25 years.

WeatherOnline's Travel Planner helps you calculating the average weather at a location of your choice, based on recent years data. However, please keep in mind that weather statistics can only provide you with some useful clues for your travel plans. They do not represent the actual weather or forecast.
Estaciones meteorológicas cercanas - Yibin Distancia
Yibin 0.0 km
Neijiang 62.1 km
Weining 64.2 km
Mianyang 75.6 km
Bijie 82.6 km
Naxi 87.2 km
Chengdu-Shuangliu aeropuerto 87.4 km
Wenjiang 99.9 km
Zhaotong 102.7 km
Xingren 116.1 km
Zhanyi 122.5 km
Monte Emei 142.3 km
Guangnan 144.5 km
Luxi 148.8 km
Songpan 155.2 km
Huize 159.9 km
Langzhong 172.6 km
Nanchong 175.3 km
Ya'an 180.9 km
Chongqing 210.7 km
Kunming Aeropuerto 228.8 km
Kunming 235.2 km
Guiyang 238.5 km
Xichang 260.8 km
Luodian 261.5 km
Huili 267.4 km
Barkam 275.3 km
Kangding 294.9 km
Yuanmou 314.0 km
Dachuan 331.1 km
Dushan 340.8 km
Jiulong 345.1 km
Chuxiong 354.2 km
Liangping 360.9 km
Dawu 391.4 km
Wanyuan 395.5 km
Hechi 404.7 km
Sinan 407.2 km
Rongjiang 446.9 km
Sansui 456.4 km
Lijiang 462.5 km
Youyang 463.8 km
Daocheng 478.7 km
Seda 482.1 km
Litang 483.2 km
Ciudad de Dali 497.0 km
Ganzi 516.3 km